Helping Professionals Interview Series: Melissa Webb, LPC, BC-TMH

Anxiety can often follow a traumatic experience. It’s so important to get the help you need.

Anxiety can manifest itself in a lot of different ways, and can be due to a lot of different things, internally and externally. For many people, their anxiety symptoms start after a trauma. That’s why it’s so important to work with a therapist who can help dig in to what’s going on underneath your symptoms - a therapist who is trained in assessing all the different causes of anxious responses, who can work with you to move forward.

As we continue our Helping Professionals Interview Series, we are excited to share our interview with Melissa Webb, LPC, BC-TMH.

Melissa is a faith-based counselor that uses EMDR and CBT to help her clients work through their anxiety and trauma. Melissa brings her sense of humor, her passion, and her faith to give her clients the best care she can. We’re excited to share her expertise with you today!

Why did you choose to become a therapist in St. Louis?

I was born and raised right here in St. Louis and never left.  I want to help the Black community gain a better understanding of mental health and to offer accessible services to them.  I definitely want to start in St. Louis and expand to other metropolitan cities.

What kind of treatment do you provide?

I provide individual and couples therapy to adults.  Most of my clients are experiencing anxiety and trauma symptoms stemming from failed or toxic relationships. We work together to find healing, coping skills and purpose from their hurt. I use EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to help with trauma and anxiety and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) skills to help with anxiety.  My private practice is Christian based but you don’t have to be a Christian to see me. I’m open to anyone that wants help.

What ages do you work with?


What can people expect to leave with after working with you?

A new way of thinking.  I ask tough questions and challenge negative and irrational thinking.  People can also expect to feel a sense of hope, purpose, and can gain a closer relationship with God. 

How long have you been working with trauma and anxiety, and how long have you been in St. Louis?

I have worked with trauma and anxiety in teens since 2014 and have been working with adults since 2018.

Who are your favorite types of clients to work with?

My favorite type of clients are the ones that come into my office, sit down, and word-vomit all over the office, LOL. I think it’s beautiful that someone I have never met trusts me with their deepest, darkest secrets and emotions. It lets me know that they are at their wits’ end and are ready to put in some work to get to their healing.  I also love working with people that make me laugh. Most of my clients should be comedians.

What happens during a first appointment with you?

The first session (and every session) is all about the client. I state the confidentiality statement and let them talk. The client leads the entire session. As they talk, I am mentally putting a puzzle together in my head. Making connections, inferences and thinking of questions to ask. This is also a start of a therapeutic relationship. From the moment the client walks into my office, I treat them with respect and start to connect with them.  I will also put together a treatment plan moving forward and set the next appointment date.

Could you talk a little about your approach, EDMR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) specifically, and how it plays into your work with people recovering from anxiety?

EMDR is a wonderful treatment model that has helped so many of my clients. It helps to disband irrational thinking and negative thoughts. I had a client who had a fear of driving due to an accident that happened at an early age. We used EMDR to help with that specific trauma and for some other trauma related issues that fed the client’s fears. After working with the client for many months, I’m happy to say that they have a permit and are getting ready to drive! My client has also increased their confidence and boosted their self-esteem. In this example, EMDR helped not only with their anxiety but helped the client to increase their overall mental health.

What do you wish people knew about getting treatment for anxiety and trauma disorders?

That it takes time to heal and process the trauma and it takes time to find appropriate coping skills for anxiety.  Even after you complete therapy (which could take months) you still may need to come back for check in appointments once a month or every other month.

How can people learn more and contact you?

You can visit my website or facebook.

Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.

Growing up, I lived in a house with an in ground pool in the backyard but never learned how to swim. Sad, right?

Curious to learn more about getting treatment for trauma or anxiety? Wondering if you need to connect with a therapist in St. Louis? Contact Compassionate Counseling St. Louis to set up a free 15-minute phone consult. We’ll talk about what’s going on and best next steps - and if we’re not the right fit, we’ll connect you with other wonderful St. Louis-based therapists, like Melissa!

Compassionate Counseling St. Louis provides specialized anger management and anxiety therapy in St. Louis for kids, teens, and college students. We work in Clayton, MO and serve kids, teens, and college students throughout St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Ladue, University City, Town and Country, Webster Groves, Creve Coeur, Kirkwood, Richmond Heights, and Brentwood.


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